
The money-back guarantee in case of delivery is outside of our time commitment

We give sellers and postal services 30 days to deliver you the parcel. If 30 days have passed since the moment of placing the order, and the goods have not arrived at your post office, please leave a request so we can process a refund.

When will I get the money?

The money will be returned to the account from which you paid within 14 days after the order changes its status to "Refunded." 

Can my request be refused?

Yes, it may be refused if more than 115 days have passed since the moment of placing your order and the warranty period has already expired.

The product quality is very low! What should I do?

If you received a defective product (torn, broken), please, contact our Customer Support! We will analyse the situation and decide on a partial or full refund.

How do I send a support request?
  1. Click on the "Question by order" button in the order card, and then on the chat button in the upper right corner to start a chat with the support team.
  2. Describe the product you received and attach photo proof of your dispute.

IMPORTANT: Quality claims are accepted within 30 days after you receive the goods.

IMPORTANT: Our Customer Support agent may ask you to provide additional evidence, such as photos or videos.

Can my refund request be denied?

Yes, if:
  • more than 30 days have passed since the goods were delivered;
  • the quality of the goods corresponds to the description provided by the seller;
  • The defect of the goods cannot be identified on the provided photos / videos;
  • photos are air-brushed.
When will I get money back?

The money will be returned to the account from which you paid, within 14 days after the order changes its status to "Refunded."

The goods did not arrive complete or the wrong product arrived

Unfortunately, sometimes sellers make mistakes: they send goods of the wrong color or of the wrong size. If this is the case, please, contact our Customer Support! We will review the situation and proceed with a partial or full refund.

I want to return my order

If you don't like your ordered item, or it did'nt fit, you can return it within 30 days after delivery.

How to return the item?
  1. Contact our Customer Support. Please, provide the order number for the item you want to return and the reason.
  2. Our Customer Support agent will send you the address of the seller that you need to return the goods to.
  3. After you send the goods to the seller, please, provide the parcel tracking number and a photo of the receipt to our Customer Support.
  4. Our Customer Support will proceed with the refund.
IMPORTANT:  ibra mrd does not cover the cost of shipping the goods back to the seller in China.

Can my refund request be denied?

Yes, if:
  • more than 30 days have passed since the goods were delivered to you;
  • you sent the goods without having received the seller's address from our Customer Service;
  • you weren't able to provide a valid tracking number.

How do I request a refund?

After you do this, a refund request will be sent to our Customer Support..